LP: Guardian ELITE
Guardian ELITE for Short Selling Active TradersGet Started Reduced commissions0.0012commissions with no minimum DAS Trading Platform3 Months FreeIncludes Level 2 - No Add-Ons Stock locates 50% OFF Take on the markets with guardianOptimized services, tools and support designed specifically for active traders.Standardize Stock Locates & Stock BorrowsWith a speedy and efficient locate product, traders can obtain...
IEX x Guardian Webinar
Guardian x IEX WebinarApril 22, 2024 4:15 ESTIEX will be joining us to discuss the different routes offered for Guardian and their functions/ capabilities. Sign up below to receive a zoom invite for the event. Learn more about IEX. #gform_wrapper_3[data-form-index="0"].gform-theme,[data-parent-form="3_0"]{--gf-color-primary: #204ce5;--gf-color-primary-rgb: 32, 76, 229;--gf-color-primary-contrast: #fff;--gf-color-primary-contrast-rgb: 255, 255, 255;--gf-color-primary-darker: #001AB3;--gf-color-primary-lighter: #527EFF;--gf-color-secondary: #fff;--gf-color-secondary-rgb: 255, 255, 255;--gf-color-secondary-contrast: #112337;--gf-color-secondary-contrast-rgb: 17, 35,...
TY: Select Benzinga Short Sellers Trading Account Offer
Special offer for Benzinga ReadersLet's Get Started!Start your application to begin trading with Guardian Trading!Click the button below to start your account application.GET STARTED
LP: Benzinga Short Sellers Trading Account Offer
Special offer for Benzinga ReadersGuardian ELITE for Short Selling Active TradersGet StartedReduced commissions0.0012commissions with no minimumDAS Trading Platform3 Months FreeIncludes Level 2 - No Add-OnsStock locates and borrows50% OFFTake on the markets with guardianOptimized services, tools and support designed specifically for active traders.Standardize Stock Locates & Stock BorrowsWith a speedy and efficient locate product, traders...